Adventures of Greek Life at CSULB

Hey everyone. Read about what it's like to be a member of a fraternity or sorority on the California State University, Long Beach campus. Greek life is not just about the events and parties that are held, like the stuff you see on TV, but focuses more on life in general when it comes to everyday values, friendships, community service, and leadership in the brotherhood and sisterhood. This blog will target all the CSULB students who have ever thought about joining a Greek chapter on campus. Students will hopefully come to see that being involved in Greek organization on campus will be a life changing experience. At CSULB there are 30 different Greek organizations and each of these offer individual focuses on student life. Having brothers and sisters to share wonderful college experiences with will help to make your college years so much more memorable.

Did you know........
Famous athletes, entertainers, and politicians that were ALL GREEK!

Photograph taken by Michael Yee

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

CoOrDiNaToR oF GrEeK LiFe

Caitlin Roberts is the Greek Life coordinator, who provides resources and leadership development to the fraternities and sororities on campus. Roberts advises three of the four Greek councils at Long Beach State; the Interfraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), and the Cultural Greek Council Chapters. She is basically the go-to girl when it comes to planning and promoting events. As a Greek life coordinator she also helps coordinate the SOAR program and the annual Homecoming celebration.

“Live, breathe, sleep Greek life,” is one of Roberts’s favorite Greek phrases. Roberts believes in all the values that she has been taught and believes in spreading her love for Greek life to the students at CSULB. “I visit Ms. Roberts almost every day and would never ask anyone else for guidance, she is like my own personal advisor,” said Justin Downes, the Vice President of the IFC Chapter and a current student at CSULB.

On March 3, 2007, Roberts was named Greek Advisor of the year at the Western Region Greek Association Leadership conference in San Francisco.

If your interested in learning more about Greek life, you can contact Roberts at (562) 985-7501 or visit her in the University Student Union (USU) in room 207. You can also email her at

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